Saying Leon’s name is important to us. We want others to recognise that he is a large part of our family and lives, and we will never forget him. We will continue forward in our lives with Leon in forever our hearts.
Ashleigh – Leon Parker Bennett Towers‘s Mum
My husband John and I were so excited to be welcoming our son into the world, and we loved him from the moment we knew he existed.
At our twenty week ultrasound, we discovered our little man had anencephaly; A condition that prevents the normal development of the brain and the bones of the skull. The moment we found out, I felt like my entire world had stopped. It has been just over four months now, and
I can’t decide if it feels like no time at all or an eternity.
I gave birth to Leon Parker Bennett Towers at 22 weeks gestation. He was perfect but tiny and still. He was born on 21 October 2021. Being able to hold him was so surreal. He was so beautiful. We fell even more in love with him.
Dealing with the trauma of his loss has been an enormous struggle. The grief we felt around his due date in February was heartbreaking. But we feel lucky to have such loving family and friends. Though they have not experienced the loss of a baby, they have been here, supporting us through the worst time of our lives.
Sadly, some people don’t understand. John and I will always feel this profound loss, and we will always grieve our son. We are his parents who loved him completely and always, always will.
We are Leon’s Mum and Dad. That is something of which we will always be proud.
Something that has helped is attending a monthly meeting for families who have experienced stillbirth or neonatal loss. Hearing others’ stories helped us with our grief. It made John, and I feel so much less alone in the awful experience, as so many individuals have gone through this pain.
Saying Leon’s name is important to us. We want others to recognise that he is a large part of our family and our lives, and we will never forget him. We will continue forward in our lives with Leon in forever our hearts.
Say Their Name Day is on 25 March – a special day to remember all of the little lives we have loved and lost, and support bereaved families.