Paul & Pauline's Story
"It is important and nourishing for you to publicly say the name of your precious child again and again. Though they have passed, our love will never cease."
Tara's Story
"I want to live in a world where I can freely say I have three children, where mentioning Zak feels as natural as celebrating the lives of my daughters, Ava and Zoe. The heartache may never fully fade, but it transforms into a bittersweet reminder of the love I carry."
Lauren's Story
"Just because you can’t see our children, they are still very real and deserve to be remembered along with the children who were here before or come after them."
Liz's Story
“It made me so happy when friends asked me about Rigby, and I cried with heart aching joy when someone finally asked to see a photo of him.”
Marnie & Nik's Story
“It has been more than a decade since our beautiful Lukas passed away peacefully in his sleep. I still love hearing his name."
Matthew's Story
"Saying the name of a child who has passed away is one of the simplest things you can do to support a bereaved parent."
Benn & Sarah's Story
“ A lot of people hesitate to say James’s name in fear that it will upset us. But it is more hurtful to have them say nothing at all.”
Emily & Nick's story
“ The message is that simple - say their name. Do not pretend my baby did not exist. Do not shy away because you think the topic is too difficult or too sad.”

Samantha & Mark's Story
"Talking about Finn and saying his name lets the world know he existed, and he still lives in our hearts and always will."

Angel's Story
"I say Benjamin James Kirk Cordell's, name to keep his memory alive. As long as I’m alive, he will forever be adored and remembered."

Paula & Ederson’s Story
“I am saying my baby’s name, not just to remember her but to show others that they are not alone on this journey.”

Amanda's Story
“The amount of comfort that saying their name and acknowledging their existence brings is beyond describable."

Elisa’s Story
“Even though Ella is not on this earth she is still very much a part of our family.”

Rebbeka & Nathan's Story
"Flynn is a much-loved member of our family even though he isn't physically here."
Fiona's Story
"Nothing could have prepared us for the pure relief of meeting our son and the deepest pain of losing his twin sister.”

Caterina's Story
“Honouring Valentina through saying her name and sharing her story is our way of keeping her close to us.”

Caitlyn & Chris's Story
“It’s so important to talk about Aish and say his name. Just because he isn’t here, doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be spoken about.”

Bonnie & Steve's Story
"As time goes on, the pain is certainly lighter but our love and longing for them remains."

Rowena & Josh's Story
"By people sharing their stories, it can help others find the inner strength to share their stories too."

Jaimi's Story
“I never want to stop talking about Nash. That’s how we keep him alive, especially for our daughter, Iris.”

Helena's Story
"The day my stillbirth happened, the person I was died. As I ride the waves, a new and different version of me evolves."

Kim's Story
"Saying James’s name is important. His life was short, but his impact on us was enormous."
Ashleigh & John's Story
"We are Leon’s Mum and Dad. That is something of which we will always be proud."

Amelia's Story
"We wrote a letter to Isla on the back of one of the photos of us as a family."

Samantha's Story
"Katie was a strong, fierce little girl. She had the most beautiful, soulful blue eyes."

Elise’s Story
“It was meant to be the year to heal our hearts and our family would be complete.”

Catherine & Julian's Story
“Like any other parent, we are so proud of our children whether they are with us or not. We want to shout their names from the rooftops."

Bethany's Story
"Even though Ella is not physically here with us she will always be a part of our family and we will always look for ways to remember and honour our little girl."

Sophia’s Story
“I feel most connected to Mia when I am out in nature and each day in the way things happen like when a blue butterfly passes by me just when I am thinking of her"

Chris & Bethany's Story
"Talking about Liam is acknowledgement that he was here, and that you care and love me enough to talk about my beautiful baby boy."

Stacey's Story
"At 18 weeks, my husband and I said hello and goodbye to our much-dreamed IVF baby, Sonny Tasman."

Tara & Shane's Story
"That first year I was unable to say Zak’s name. I just wasn’t ready and wasn’t sure I would be able to do it justice."

Danielle & Jamie's Story
“From the moment Hailie was born sleeping, I immediately talked about her in the present tense, and I’m very focused on always speaking about her in that way."

Laura & Bryce's Story
"Although the pain is still everywhere, I love talking about James. Every opportunity I get to talk about him I appreciate because it brings him into the present and creates a memory."

Annette & Tony's Story
"Our beautiful Hayley was stillborn at full term. She was born on our wedding anniversary, so it makes the day even more special, a little sad but also happy."

Amelia Grace's Story
"When Olivia Grace was born, she looked just like her big sister, only much, much tinier. Born at 23 weeks' gestation, Olivia’s heart beat for a full minute after she was born before she died in our arms."